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Address: Killinghall Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD3 7JF
Phone: 01274 771166 / Fax: 01274 771167
Email: office@killinghall.bradford.sch.uk
Please address all enquiries to Judith Thompson
Our SEN Co-ordinator is Mrs Lynne Clegg and she can be contacted on 01274 771166

Attendance, absences and request for holidays during term time

Attendance every day is very important, frequent absences can have a negative result on children’s learning.  

There are laws which have been introduced with reference to children's absence from school so please read the following section carefully as failure to comply with the legislation could result in prosecution.

Authorised Absence
Authorised absence may be given for medical and dental appointments, compassionate reasons, education visits and religious observance.  If you do need to request an authorised absence, it must be done in advance and in consultation with the Headteacher.

Holidays in term time are not permitted but may be authorised by the Headteacher in exceptional circumstances. Our definition of exceptional circumstances is:- 'Being of unique, significant and emotional; educational or spiritual value to the child -  which outweighs the loss of teaching time and is likely to be a 'one off never to be repeated occasion' which can only take place at the time requested.
Requests for holiday authorisation must be made before the holiday and only in consultation with the Headteacher.  Holiday requests for more than 10 days will not be authorised.

Please see our Absence in Term Time policy on our policies page.

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