For parents new to Killinghall
Dear Parents and Carers,
On behalf of the staff and governors I would like to welcome you and your child to Killinghall Primary School. We hope that your child will settle into school quickly, and that he/she will be happy and successful with us.
This is a special and important time for your child and the following documents below are designed to give you as much information about the school organisation as possible.
We are pleased that you have chosen Killinghall Primary and that you have entrusted your child to us. We hope that you will give us your support in ensuring that we will provide the best possible education , to provide for your child's individual needs and enable us to prepare them for the future.
At Killinghall, every child matters.
During the school year you will be invited to school for a variety of reasons, maybe to see your child perform in assemblies and plays, attend morning lessons, to talk to your child's teacher about their progress or for social and fund raising activities. Your attendance is very important so your Parent Loyalty Card will be stamped and can earn you Reward Bank Points for your child to spend at our Reward Shop.
We hope you will quickly become very proud of your child's achievements and your school. Together we can ensure that your child has pride in themselves and their personal contribution to the school and our community.
Our last Ofsted Report (April 2023) outlines our achievements (click here to view). We strive to provide the very best education for all our children and with our continued effort and your continued support we will endevour to do this.
If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to come and see us.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Claire Spencer Bed (HONS) Dip HE, PGCE SEND and Inclusion