Breakfast Club
The Breakfast Club – 40 places free to the free school meal children. Places must be booked through the office. Paid places are £7.50 per week – paid half termly in advance
Killinghall Primary School runs a breakfast club from 8.00-8.40am each morning, this is for the following reasons:-
- In an area of high deprivation, we feel it is important to provide nurture and care for some children prior to the school day.
- This encourages and enables some families to work.
- Where parents have economic difficulties, we are able to provide cheap before school childcare and a nutritious healthy breakfast for free.
- It enables children to develop excellent social skills and enables them to mix with children across the year groups.
Parents will be asked to pay in advance, via ParentPay or Paypoint. In the event of oversubscription places will be awarded on the following criteria:-
- Pupils with welfare issues such as punctuality, child protection and deprivation. (16 points)
- Parents who rely on this so they can work. (5 points)
- Pupils who have been long attenders in the past. (4 points)
- Pupils with siblings who attend breakfast club (families). (3 points)
The policies of the school on food preparation, child protection, physical handling and behaviour are adhered to. Parents will be requested to complete a form in order to ensure special dietary needs are known to the organisers.
Breakfast Club Food Menu - example
Wholewheat toast with or without jam
Cereals – Cornflakes, Rice Crispies or Weetabix
Hot chocolate
Fresh orange juice
Fresh fruit
Boiled eggs/eggy bread/pancakes are sometimes served.