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Year 6 2023 - 2024

Year 6 Leavers Assembly 2023 - 2024

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Trip to Whitby

Year 6 are having a blast at Whitby, the charming coastal town where Captain Cook began his voyages. Check out the photos below and see how much fun they are having.

Whitby Abbey Day 1

Town Walk Day 1

Dinner Day 1

Cemetery Walk Day 1

Embedded Blog

Whitby Day 2

Today, the children had an amazing time exploring the Endeavour, a replica of the ship that sailed around the world with Captain Cook. They learned about the life and adventures of the famous explorer and his crew, and how they discovered new lands and culture . After that, they got to experience the thrill of being Vikings. They practiced the combat techniques that the Vikings used in their battles, such as shield walls, feints, and parries. It was a fun and educational day for the children.

Captain Cook Museum / Endeavour Experience

Viking Swords & Shield Training

Pirate Party

Viking Sword & Shield Fighting

Viking Sword & Shield Training Fight.mp4

Whitby Day 3

Today, the children spent the morning discovering the fascinating history of Captain Cook at his museum in Whitby. They were amazed by his daring journeys and the exotic things he encountered along the way. They got to see his ship, the Endeavour, and some of the artefacts he brought back from his travels. Before leaving, they stopped by the souvenir shop, where they picked up some presents and keepsakes for their loved ones and enjoyed a delicious ice cream 🍨 🍦. Feeling satisfied and exhausted, they all headed back home after a wonderful and memorable trip.


Captain Cook Museum

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